Moreover, Jupiter is aspecting the seventh house from the eleventh house, which is gives Shah Rukh a lot of support. Upapada Lagna requires time and date of birth. You are born to be yourself! You will get a beautiful wife but will have relations with other women. Well, it's my turn and I'd like to say that very rarely do we come across someone as genuine as you are. In his chart, there is a very flexible Moon, and it is in an even sign. Your level of success will be higher than others. 5H is 12th from the house of service, also 11th from the partners house. So, a close watch is very much required. He is an experienced astrologer. (I understand its free), Good Dates For Financial Investments In Oct 2022, First Outing Of The Baby (Nishkramana Samskara), Mercury Retrogression In Virgo (10 Sep 2 Oct), If the 7th house has any negative planets in a strong placement, without any positive aspect, it indicates the chances for divorce. You also has to suffer displeasure of government officials. Sometimes, a difficult marriage ends only to pave way for a better future and an improved life. A second marriage indicates another chance at happiness, wed in a marital bliss. 7. All transactions on our web site conducted on Secure SSL Site. All of us interested in knowing about our would be spouse and Vedic astrology plays a significant role in predicting the age, profession, appearance and family of the spouse. Planets and zodiacs have a number of characteristics that they represent and they influence humans depending on how they are placed. I will simplify these combinations with the help of an example chart. 1,6,10,8,12 Houses for Divorce 2. Even though we cannot predict those things with the accuracy of an experienced astrologer. So this way, as per the options available, a person can determine the kind of job. Ways To Get A Loyal Spouse through Astrology Worshiping Lord Shiva gives a beautiful and virtuous wife. Your spouse will be spendthrift. As 7th is the house of marriage partner so the 10th house from it will be of career house. Venus influencing the 7th house indicates a beautiful life partner who will have a weakness for fine and lovely things in life. 1,6,8,10,12 houses are detrimental for marriage and matrimonial life which may head towards divorce. How darakarak changes the nature of spouse? Gupta Ji is the best scientific astrologer in Jaipur, rajasthan. All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2015 - 2022 Rahus influence on the seventh house always shows multiple partners. Your spouse will be from a respected family. The spouse will not settle down with a routine career and home activity and will always wish for a change. So this person lost his job in January 2020, due to the pandemic. Presence in Cancer predicts a sensible, sensitive spouse and is considered a healthy combination. 4. PISCES : They will be Astrology gives you the ability to see how similar and how unique you are in the crowd :). 8 Life Path Number 8 Birth Number 8 17 26 Meanings, The Numerology Number 7 Life Path Number 7 Birth Number 7 16 25 Meanings, The Numerology Number 6 Life Path Number 6 Birth Number 6 15 24 Meanings, Muhurutha Fixation through Planetary Karakatwas Naadi Muhurutha. If planet Mars lies in marriage house, brings along a husband or wife who is impatient and impulsive. They will be having multi skills and will like to multi task. on our WhatsApp number mentioned above. Subscribe to newsletter and download the PDF. You will be travelling every now and then. Sir is a very good astrologer and understand our problem and give us the best remedies which will be economical and give us a very good result. Thanks Gupta sir, Best astroger in india helped me a lot trustworthy. Enjoy who you are! Know the timing of your marriage through Vedic astrology! Case Study: Multiple Marriages: Elizabeth Taylor. The spouse will have an ego and an elevated sense of self. 11H is gains and profits and fulfillment of desires. CANCER: These natives are very protective about the family. Astrology. All the prediction come true .. if one having any issue i will recommend you all once to try once and i assure you, all your issue will be solved. MAIN SLOT GACOR DI DEWAWINBET, MAIN LEBIH BANYAK PROVIDER SLOT ONLINE LEBIH BANYAK BONUS, QQ SLOT, MPO SLOT, IDN SLOT, PAY4D SLOT. General rules cannot not fit to each and every event of a natal chart. Jupiter influences in the chart mean your spouse can be involved in Banking, teaching, management etc. Its lord is Mercury. He definitely deserves 5 star rating and 5 star rating is just a formality, how to predict profession of spouse in astrology, Child Prediction By Horoscope & Pregnancy by Vedic Astrology, Government Job Astrology | Sarkari Naukri Yog in Kundli, Best Vastu Shastra Consultant in Bani Park, Jaipur, Useful Vastu Points to Keep in Mind While Building a New House, Best Astrologer in Mansarovar, Jaipur | Famous Astrologer, Best Vastu Shastra Consultant in Mansarovar, Jaipur, Easy Vedic Astrology Remedies to Fight Depression, Study planet Venus in case of men and Jupiter in case of women. Marriage has been denied, but he would not be bereft of bed pleasure. You are the epitome of awesome! They will die, hard romantics, as well as have great eyes and lips. Vasant Kunj, New Delhi Mars: The nature of the spouse can be dominating and quarrelsome. The You is many times corrupt morally. Also he devotes a lot of time in answering all questions asked. WebAlthough Spouse's prediction in astrology has the influence of multiple factors such as the sign of 7th house, Lord of 7th house and its position in the horoscope, planetary Certain charts dont even show the chances for remarriage. Let us consider the houses 2,6 and 10 ( 2nd bank balance, self acquisition;6th services rendered, day to day attendance on duty and thereby earning; being 12th from the 7th denotes loss to others and gain to self, hence receiving money from others; 10th profession, either in independent vocation or in service). You may have two marriages one by one and both may survive. The 7th Lord in various Houses for marriage prediction of spouse: The Upapada Lagna is the image of the 12th House and tells us where we would meet our spouse according to spouse astrology. 4. Under Moon's influence, the spouse will have a changing or transferable job. There will be a deep interest in physical satisfaction in relationships. This is exactly opposite to the ascendant and so is the If the 7th house is in the zodiac of Taurus, the spouse will have a weakness for dressing and jewellery and can be transformed into a diva or a gracious man. Significators of houses 2,7,11 are to be considered for marriage and the houses 6,12,10,8 are for divorce. Presence in Leo forecasts a dominating, proud spouse who loves to win attention. Ms. Taylor has had seven marriages. At the time of deciding on getting married, a person would always be interested in knowing more details about the spouse. 2. Presence in Gemini forecasts verbose, fun, smart and intelligent spouse with amazing skills to communicate. When the 7th cusp lord is connected with 2,7,11 + 5 + 1 then one would get married and its a love marriage its confirmed if 5th sign is fixed sign. This person is working in an MNC and gives the best resolutions to create the bandwidth of the company. You may lose Your mother in Your teens. However, some KP astrologers are of the view of that signification of houses 5 and 8 by the 7th cusp sub lord can also give marriage since 5th is 11th to the 7th and 8th is 2nd to 7th. If your horoscope shows Mercury in the 7th house, then the spouse will have exceptional communication skills with the added advantage of sweet speech. Part 3 and 4: Venus and Jupiter, Astrology Moon Nakshatra Marriage Compatibility, How To Get Your Own Free Sidereal Astrology Chart From Here the 7th house is ruled by Venus, and it is in a dual sign conjunct with Rahu. Mobile: 099375 84535, Tips for easing Corona tension and how spirituality can help. When there is more than one planet in the 7th house, it weakens its position. Energetic and excited about life, the Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius woman can attract you easily. WebIn astrology, spouse profession can be predicted from the Lagna chart and navamsa chart. You may become impotent due to too many sexual activities. There are many misconceptions about astrology today. The soot of many evils, stereotypes, and idiots have covered this great discipline. If the pre Sports, fine arts, horoscopes are based on your Vedic Moon Sign . Multiple Relations and Denial of Marriage KP Method. When these basic needs are not met, a marriage may end. The 7th house denotes first marriage. It determines the success or difficulty of the marriage. The 2H to any house will increase the effects related to that house. He or she will be slight flabby but have dark 9. Similarly, "Proneness to disease" happens when one passes through dasa of the planets signifies 1,6,8,12. Spouses of the native may tarnish the reputation of the family if planets Rahu or Ketu occupy 7th house and there are no benefic planets present. Rahu, 9h and 12h state foreign connection. Look at the ruling planet of your spouse. You will prepare a plan to start a new job. Geographic Geocentric Latitude Conversion, Sign, Star, Sub & Sub-Sub Lord with Horary Number,, SignifyinghousesforjudgementofHORARYCHARTSbyKP.xls, 9,11 and the cuspal position that represents the purpose, Purchase of A mentor,guide and pleasing person..who covers all the aspects of your life from horoscope My experience is wonderful thanks for ur support sir. Kc Gupta sir is very knowledgeble and genuine astrologer with very accurate prediction.sir responded quickly,analysed my horoscope thoroughly and suggested remedies which are easy to follow.he treated me as his kid,filled confidence in me.and gave me valuable suggestions for my life. Looking at the placement of10th house from the 7th i.e. On the other hand when Mercury is positioned in 7th house or has an influence in association with Lord of 7th house or Nakshatra Lord you may find a much younger spouse. ARIES: The spouse will be very aggressive and dominant. Taking possession The dominant influence of Mercury brings a spouse may be a trader, Lawyer, CA pr fields related to communication. On the other hand, The spouse will be self dependant and will not like to be kept in control. You will not be the one to end a relationship. You possess exceptional oratory skills. 8H is 2nd from the 7th house, so it is favorable for the opposite party. When Moon is positioned in this House then the spouse will be a sensitive and religious person and will nicely take over household duties. 7th House is important in Marriage If 7th cusp is connected with 2,7,11 then one would get married. A retired employee of Southco. Once the astrologer has studied the 4th house or career house, and 10th house from 7th house. With a strong Saturn, you can expect the spouse to be strong, caring and mature. interested in intellectual pursuits They will have a quarrelsome and can keep negative friends in case Mars is negatively placed. Wow such lovely and true reviews!! AQUARIUS: They will be introvert and workaholic people. Also we are providing free astrology services like Daily Horoscope, Moon indicates that the age difference will not be much. The sub lord Rahu and the coordinators signified by Rahu plus Ketu will give the job description. If you have the time and date of birth of a person, the predictions of future spouse can be made based on the following points: Do you know Astrology can save your Marriage? It will be a wonderful day for you. 12h: Foreign travels or links, social work,hospitals, and prisons, or a lot of distractions in the profession. WebKP Astrology: Favorable Combinations for Career 2H, 6H, 7H, 10H, 11H Best Career Script 2H is accumulated wealth 6H is service, job 7H is business and partnership. FREE Mini Guide Simple Steps to Learn KP Astrology. Astrology is very effective in answering various questions like Best Age To Have A Baby Based On Your Zodiac Sign, when to get married etc. .mailster-form-5 .mailster-submit-wrapper .submit-button{padding: 10px 15px;}. DBA is not applicable for events which are to happen in a day or two i.e. You may get a cunning spouse. guniune astrology with great knowledge. You cannot print contents of this website. For women, Jupiter signifies her husband. 7th House:This House along with its Lord is also responsible for child birth as it tells about the spouse of the individual in the horoscope. Rahu. Finally to get divorce after long quarrel and fighting in court 1,6,10,8,12 houses are to be considered. All rights reserved. Women: Find where Jupiter is in chart, sign (where), house (how). Where and when will I meet my spouse and his qualities and he is rich or poor, Kindly contact me or whatsapp me at +919828072791 to discuss your kundli, My wife left me in the year 10/10/2018 her name is Treena and her Date of Birth 25/10/1987 will she return my name is Vachan my Date of Birth is 06/06/1975 please tell me. I am really very happy and blessed with the prediction of astrologer Gupta Ji. You may have multiple relations. Jupiter is the chief governor of money and it is the 11th cusp lord, in Pisces , its own sign. In KP terminology, these groups of houses for the event is called "House Group". If the nature of you and your spouse doesnt match then Vastu Astrology Tips To Have Happy Married Lifeare of great help. Capable KP astrologers taking 8th house for marriage without signification of 2,7,11 are rare to find in the KP literature in English. Your marriage is delayed and You is fond of travelling. The most important house is the 7th house, its sign and Ruling planet and its position in the horoscope,planetary Aspects on the 7th house. The 2nd cusp is Gemini. 9) KETU IN SEVENTH HOUSE: You will have sexual attraction towards widows and will have physical relations with them. 3) MARS IN SEVENTH HOUSE: The native will rule Your life partner. The marital life will not be very happy. He is the best in astrology and without asking a single question, he told me everything about my pain which I am suffering and also gave me simple remedies.He has given me ample of time and listened all my problems carefully on phone even though he was busy. Example: There are so many ways to find the details of your spouse. You may marry a person from a different cultural background. Check 10th house cuspal sub lord and its star lord. You will be respected in foreign lands and You will be a diplomat. Mars-Mars-Jupiter Mars: 1 7 12 Jupiter: 3 8 11, Jupiter-Mercury-Saturn Jupiter: 3 8 11 Mercury: 1 2 5 6 9 Saturn: 2 3 9 10. I will always be very thankful to pandit ji for his opinion regarding my problem and it's very effective in my life as experienced. There are some other conditions also under which you can get a younger spouse with a great age difference. LEO: The spouse could be proudy and will be dominating. 2. Subscribe to get our latest content by email. Ketu in the 5th house states intelligence, creativity, and solution giver, and Ketu involves reality, truth, secret knowledge, and research work. Vedic Astro Zone - Vedic Astrology - The Ancient science of India, GEMINI and AQUARIUS suffering the MOST now, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Pisces Sign, Jupiter transit 2019 to 2020 predictions Aquarius Sign, Numerology No. You will get many benefits from your spouse. An ego and an improved life one to end a relationship will like to be considered marriage... 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