She became the trope of a rural kid moving away in search of a better living. font-size: 0.9em; background-color: #db0000; "Texas farmers, ranchers and families deserve a commissioner who will act . "She was my professor at UT, the best writing instructor I ever had, and a great mentor." Her law practice took her to advising cannabis producers and businesses, and pushing Texas to open the door to this high-value crop with the hemp program. The August 2022 University of Texas / Texas Politics Project poll has just been released, including extensive questioning on the 2022 elections, abortion, immigration, gun violence and much much more. width: 350px; .results_row td:first-child { } On Hays website, she heavily criticizes him and his performance as Ag Commissioner. Texas leads the country in rural hospital closures. } People arent afraid of it anymore. This November, voters will decide contests for a number of statewide offices, from governor to attorney general. font-size: .9em; Counties served: Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Limestone, and McLennan AAA of Houston-Galveston 713-627-3200 713-993-4562 Fax: 713-993-4578 3555 Timmons Lane Suite 120 Houston, TX 77027 . railroad commissioner. The job of this position is to bring as many federal dollars back to Texas as possible. float: left; AUSTIN - Texas Commissioner of Agriculture Sid Miller released an opinion-editorial column Tuesday expressing his views about the Lone Star State. The law makes abortion illegal after cardiac activity is detected in an embryo -- normally around six weeks, before some women even know they are pregnant. jQuery( ".votebox" ).each(function( index ) { And at the time we really needed some better regulations out of USDA. @media (max-width:600px) { } .votebox-results-metadata { And he touts the Texas Sunset Advisory Commissions review of the agency from 2021 in which the department was called well-managed.. How is this playing out in socially conservative Texas? This option is fairly limited in Texas. Hays was asked about running as a Democrat in Texas. Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Organization Alpine, TX Joined September 2011. Railroad Commissioner. susan hays ed ireson. Susan Hays is a prolific attorney in Texas that has been at the forefront of cannabis legislation for quite some time. p.survey-question {font-weight:bold;} } Importance: Most Important. p.survey-response {white-space: pre-line;} Susan Hays. I want to thank all the Texans who participated in our campaign and endorsed our priorities to ensure all Texas communities have access to: This morning, I gave Susan Hays my congratulations on being the the 2022 Democratic nominee for Texas Ag Commissioner and offered to lend a hand on the issues that have been left behind by Sid Miller and Republican leadership. .hideResponses { display: none;} width: 100% font-weight: bold; This page was current at the end of the individual's last campaign covered by Ballotpedia. --link-color: #337ab7; } background-color: #f4f4f4; margin: auto; While the analysis of my campaign has just begun, the most worrisome trend Im seeing is that rural Texans are falling far behind in both engagement and influence. .results_text { Miller's top challenger is state Rep. James White, a Hillister rancher, who . background-color: #dac113; } KRT US NEWS STORY SLUGGED: ABORTION-MARCH KRT PHOTOGRAPH BY NIKKI KAHN/KRT (April 25) WASHINGTON, DC - Sarah Weddington, an attorney best known for winning the landmark Roe Vs. Wade Supreme Court decision, speaks to thousands of protesters in Washing. Agriculture commissioner is also on the ballot, with incumbent Sid Miller, a Trump-backed Republican, facing Democrat Susan Hays. --title-background: #334aab;

float:right; Youll need one of seven types of valid photo ID to vote in Texas: A state drivers license, a Texas election identification certificate, a Texas personal identification card, a Texas license to carry a handgun, a U.S. military ID card with a personal photo, a U.S. citizenship certificate with a personal photo or a U.S. passport.  Hays and her husband bought land in Alpine, a small town framed by mile-high mountains and an hours car ride north of Big Bend National Park. 	width: 35px !important; In part by getting out there and talking to them, which frankly the Democratic Party has done a terrible job doing since the 90's. Susan Hays, running for Texas Agriculture Commissioner, introduces herself before introducing Beto O'Rourke, running for Texas Governor, 07/20/2022 at the Martin Luther King Community Center in . Hays appeared recently on The Chad Hasty Show to discuss her campaign and hemp production in Texas.  } "One new judge wont necessarily make much difference. 	border-radius: 50%; For only the second time in UT polling, but the second time in less than a year, a majority of Texas voters say that . p.survey-response {margin-left:10px;} With just over 70 percent of the results in, the Democratic bid for the open seat in Texas' competitive 15th District appears destined for a runoff. 	.race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { I co-founded an organization called Janes Due Process, which provides legal services to pregnant teenagers, which has been greatly interesting and satisfying work. She has also worked on voting rights issues and election laws. $('#candidate-connection-twitter-105181').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-twitter'); }); Hays has positioned herself that the state of Texas needs to fund criminal justice and legalize cannabis the right way. 	width: 57%; Here are 10 things you will learn about Texas if you move here from another state. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { 	margin-bottom: 4px; Show us with your support.  })  If you are not from rural Texas but you train there, you may want to stay, and those have shown to be effective. What the TDA can do to help that, is draw down federal grant money. A Texas Appeals Court overruled a decision to throw out a lawsuit against Jerry Jones from a woman who claimed the Dallas Cowboys owner kissed her on the mouth and forcibly grabbed her without her consent.. 	width: 100% !important; She has drafted license applications, served as the general counsel of a publicly traded, touch-the-plant . Part of her campaign message is to continue that work by fully legalizing cannabis in the state. One is a former rodeo cowboy caught in controversy. 	font-weight: bold; Give corruption the boot by voting by November 8th!        .contact_entity {font-size: 1.0em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em; margin-right: 0.5em;}  .indicate_scroll { A Sunset Advisory Commission, which reviews all of the state of Texas agencies, gave a good review for the Texas Department of Agriculture, but noted that they exempted reviewing the commissioner himself, something Hays says doesnt happen. If theyre locally owned, that keeps the profits in rural Texas. Hays explained that rural broadband also encourages high-income and tech workers to move to rural Texas who work from home.  Sign up for The Brief, our daily newsletter that keeps readers up to speed on the most essential Texas news. Votes % Sid Miller * (R) 4,468,778 56%. 	padding-left: 10px; 	letter-spacing: .04em; 	margin: 0px 10px; It also oversees the states department of rural health, which helps rural hospitals with financial aid and technical assistance. AUSTIN, Texas  Since announcing his run for agriculture commissioner, Republican James White hasn't been shy about criticizing the current commissioner, Sid Miller. 	font-size: 16px; .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} (function() {  Occupation: Attorney. Hays is also a fan of implementing carbon capture which is a way for landowners and farmers to get paid for planting things that put carbon back into the earth. Disclosure: Texas Tech University and the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center have been financial supporters of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. Weddington, however, remained committed to abortion. At times I will join forces with other law firms to work on massive litigation. 	margin-top: 0px; Don't know. The other is an attorney with an exceptional vision . } SAN ANTONIO - Susan Hays is a Democrat candidate Texas Agriculture Commissioner. Why we are promoting Susan: Susan grew up in rural Texas in the middle of ranching and hunting country. .outer_percentage { 1,535 Followers, 1,527 Following, 617 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Susan Hays (@hays4ag) Miller and Hays can both legitimately claim deep Texas roots, but from those roots grew two diametrically opposed politicians now running against each other for Texas agriculture commissioner. 	left: 0px; Id like to see more of that happening and to try and bridge this gap of urban and rural health care disparities.. Be seen and be heard with Russell , Hey, yall had great coverage of the event, any way yall can email me photo one of your lady photographers, Hello Stacey, I really enjoyed your article about Shayda and Sydney Torabi at Re-Start CBD. 	text-align: center; 1 Biography; 2 Elections. 	margin: 0; 	}; Republican primary for Texas Commissioner of Agriculture. What has been killing rural Texas for three or four decades is thatwhat products we make or produce, whether that be oil and gas or crops, get shipped off, processed at a plant owned by corporate interest, and the profits go to Wall Street. Its not there to force people to do something but show the better models, said Hays. 	height: 50px; The coalition also has hotlines available in other languages and for Texans with disabilities. 	width: 100%; "Sarah Weddington died this morning after a series of health issues," Susan Hayes, a Democratic attorney running for Texas agriculture commissioner who is a former student of Weddington's, wrote on Twitter Sunday. } Thats almost all federal money coming back.. State . . The department is headquartered on the 11th floor of the Stephen F. Austin State Office Building at 1700 North Congress Avenue in Austin.. " [His campaign] has victimized small farmers, large farmers, all farmers and ranchers," said White during an interview on Capital Tonight. Its estimated that Texas would receive $6.3 billion annually, and coverage would be expanded to include 1 million enrollees. 	margin-bottom: 1px; We need to quickly, fully expand the medical cannabis program, and then we also need to both decriminalize and legalize. Candidate for Texas Commissioner of Agriculture (DEM) Democrat. .non_result_row th { Susan notes that leadership roles in Texas with their failure to deal with cannabis reform the right way has caused issues. LUBBOCK  A mere 44 miles, a flyspeck on the map, separates the Central Texas towns where Sid Miller and Susan Hays grew up. She and her husband own land outside of Alpine Texas which is southwest of Fort Stockton where they have been experimenting with growing both hemp and hops. .clearfix { Finally, we talked about a pushing topic coming in Texas, one that Hays fully supports. .percentage_number { By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. } } The state's agriculture commissioner oversees a vast portfolio including farming and ranching, rural health care and the scales you use at grocery store checkout. 	background-color: #003388;  .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution { Her practice now focuses on cannabis law, from hemp to the full regulatory scheme of cannabis. 	width: 100%; 	background-color: #6db24f; And theres a lot of potential in those programs. $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); Election day is Nov. 8. We dont own the land, the land owns us, Miller said. When asked about spreading fabricated photos or supporting stories on social media, Miller said he doesnt personally post everything to his accounts and that his team takes posts down most of the time when they find out theyre false. And when we say legalize, that doesnt necessarily mean hippies running wild in the streets, which I think is what a lot of haters might visualize. This one however got the best of me. 	font-weight: 300; By Jayme Lozano, Texas Tribune LUBBOCK  A mere 44 miles, a flyspeck on the map, separates the Central Texas towns where Sid Miller and Susan Hays grew up.   He said rural hospitals are in good shape since federal and state funds were distributed to facilities around Texas during the pandemic. Susan Hays, the Democratic candidate for ag commissioner, made a campaign stop in College Station on Wednesday. For Hayes, it was Brownwood, a town with one high school.  	position: relative; I grew up in the 80's in west-central Texas in Brownwood, and with family looking to the West. Meet the incumbent challenger, Susan Hays. 		width: 100%; The mission statement of the Texas Department of Agriculture is: "Partner with all Texans to make Texas the nation's leader in agriculture, fortify our economy, empower rural communities, promote healthy lifestyles, and cultivate winning strategies for . Those issues are being brought up by Paxton's three challengers in the Republican primary  former land Commissioner George P. Bush, U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert and former Texas Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman. 	font-size: 20px; 4%. 	} That can be from scholarship programs and its also training programs. } County election offices are supposed to post on their websites information on polling locations for Election Day and during the early-voting period by Oct. 18. State on the Wrong Track. .votebox-scroll-container { .votebox-results-cell--number { Throughout her legal career, Hays worked at the Texas Legislature and the Texas Supreme Court, and co-founded Janes Due Process, a legal services nonprofit for pregnant minors. Senator Charles Perry did a great job crafting and getting that bill through, I learned really after the fact that Texas has the best regulatory framework for monitoring hemp products in the country. Not always. Contact our sales team. by Jayme Lozano Oct. 20, 2022 5 . Hays attended the University of Texas where she was part of a student lobby group. But when asked what he hopes . } Hays campaign issues include rural economic development, expanded health care, marijuana legalization and fighting corruption. Their cannabis knowledge, enthusiasm, and, Aw, this was an extremely nice post. In May, the Court announced it would take up the case Thomas Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health, focused on the question of "whether all pre-viability prohibitions on elective abortions are unconstitutional.". .votebox_legend .non_result_row { a[aria-expanded=true] .fa-chevron-right { display: none; } .widget-img { Well, I mean, I wouldnt ask that question on the nose. Nick Corasaniti Mar 1, 2022. You start pointing out landmarks and things you recognize. 	width: 50px; $('.hideResponses').hide(); State Board of Education (15 seats) Agriculture Commissioner. Sarah Weddington, one of the attorneys who argued the landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade in 1973, died at the age of 76, a former student said Sunday. 

} .large-date { text-align: center; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 600;} The filing deadline was December 13, 2021. When pressed on how to get to the root of the problem, Miller said there wasnt much to do. } --progress-bar: #f0a236; As a nonprofit newsroom, we rely on members to help keep our stories free and our events open to the public. It provides financial assistance to farmers and ranchers, offers infrastructure grants in rural communities to attract development, markets Texas products and oversees measuring devices in grocery stores. In her years as an Attorney, Hays worked for the Dallas corporate law firm Akin Gump for 4 years, worked at a plaintiffs firm for a year, and finally has been running her own practice since 2005. .results_row.winner { 3 min read. Susan Hays is a lawyer, advocate, and crisis manager with more than thirty years experience in law and politics. Candidate. Are you suggesting that marijuana is a reasonable cash crop for growers here in Texas? Feb 10. She told the audience that her job would be to talk to voters and listen to them and let farmers know that the government would be here to help them. .widget-row.heading { The contest to serve as rural Texas ambassador to the state has become animated. .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { Youll need one of seven types of valid photo ID to vote in Texas: A state drivers license, a Texas election identification certificate, a Texas personal identification card, a Texas license to carry a handgun, a U.S. military ID card with a personal photo, a U.S. citizenship certificate with a personal photo or a U.S. passport. If your doctor thinks its a good idea to try cannabis you should be able to try cannabis. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { But a big part of this job is pulling down those federal dollars for economic development programs or health care. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. let scrollHeight = jQuery('.results_table_container').get(index).scrollHeight; When you cannot get the funding and the budgeting to do your job, the punishment of Sid Miller ultimately hurts agriculture, and anybody who eats, because the agency has been carved down out of a lack of trust and to punish him.. The Harris County Clerk's Office recorded a total of 1,209,358 votes by the end of Election Day, which included an absentee turnout of 855,711 that had already set a midterm county record. Theyre back to doing elective surgeries which were at times put on hold during the pandemic and its business as usual now.. But she wants to legalize the crop for more than the popularity points. Courtesy / display: inline-block; background-color: red; background-color: #003388; max-height: 580px; }

Susan grew up in rural Texas in the middle of ranching and hunting country. clearInterval(nTimer); Ballot measures, Who represents me? And yeah, the cannabis markets, like any new market, are very volatile. letter-spacing: .03em; And its not as easy to grow it and grow it well as people might think. Susan Hays, Democratic candidate for Texas Commissioner of Agriculture. overflow-y: auto; AUSTIN (Nexstar) When Texans head to the polls Monday, they'll need decide who they want to serve as Agriculture Commissioner. If you dont, at least one other person in your connection for hemp in Texas does. Susan Hays is a lawyer, advocate, and crisis manager based in Austin, Texas, with more than twenty-five years' experience in law and politics. padding-top: 8px; "Sarah Weddington died this morning after a series of health issues," Susan Hayes, a Democratic attorney running for Texas agriculture commissioner who is a former student of Weddington's, wrote . ; Its amazing how popular it is. background-color: #f9d334; padding-bottom: 8px; Listen to the full interview with Susan Hays above. Instead, the government picks and chooses what conditions qualify. But, you know, he wasnt much help. } And youre hours away from your next best option. The State Office of Rural Health is there and rural economic development. Well, you know, these things can happen in fairly large agencies and departments. However, crop insurance does not make up for the millions of dollars in lost products, whether that be cotton or vegetable crops. { Susan Hays. } She is board certified in campaign and legislative law in addition to court and civil law. Youre allowed to vote by mail only if: You will be 65 or older by Election Day, you will not be in your county for the entire span of voting, including early voting, you cite a sickness or disability that prevents you from voting in person without needing personal assistance or without the likelihood of injuring your health, youre expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day or you are confined in jail but otherwise eligible (i.e., not convicted of a felony). z-index:1; Thank you, Burt Bacharach #RIPBurtBacharach #DougandJulie #MarlenaandDon #MickeyandMaggie. .survey-result {padding:10px;} Hays believes the problem is that there are not enough insured people, and that means the hospitals are eating the tab according to Hays website. } font-weight: bold; } Contents. All contents licensed under the, Progressive Views: The State of the Union is Strong, Guest Column: Christian Values drive local GOP, Progressive Views: Climate Change: Part 2, Progressive Views: Climate Change: Part 1, 216 E. Blanco, Suite 201, Boerne TX 78006, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Int'l License. Susan Hays: Seeing how poorly that agency is run and the notorious graft and corruption. No candidate is . overflow-y: hidden; Hays applauded Texas State Senator Charles Perry for writing a bill that regulated hemp well in Texas. This office is there to lead and show examples. Legislatures are not doctors, and they need to stop acting like it., Hays did note that the state should not just decriminalize cannabis immediately and it needs to be regulated for consumer safety purposes. The ag commissioner's agency makes sure everyone's measurements are accurate before their products are trucked off to market in Texas cities. She also wants Texas to expand Medicaid, saying its asinine that the state leaves federal tax dollars on the floor by not. I'm always down for a good brain challenge. var nTimer = setInterval(function() { }); One experience I had with [writing the hemp bill], is seeing how much the Republicans in the senate distress and dislike Sid Miller, said Hays. } Check if youre registered to vote here. .widget-row.Libertarian { Texas is one of 12 Republican-controlled states that havent expanded coverage under the Affordable Care Act. color: black; RELATED: A conversation with incumbent ag commissioner Republican, Sid Miller. Born in De Leon, in Comanche County, in September 1955, Sid Miller graduated with honors from Tarleton State University . Elections in 2023 | 2023 FOX Television Stations, from WED 6:52 AM CST until WED 7:45 AM CST, Hood County, from WED 6:58 AM CST until WED 7:45 AM CST, Tarrant County, Johnson County, Dollar Tree fined $254,478 by feds after what they found in this East Texas store, Fort Worth city council approves abandoned shopping cart crackdown, Irving rapper 2G.Kaash arrested on murder charge, Marriott files motion to dismiss Michael Irvin lawsuit, 2 arrested in Lake Worth for organized scented candle theft ring, Ohio senators to propose rail safety bill after fiery train derailment, On this day in history, March 1, 1872, majestic Yellowstone becomes America's first national park, Fiery Greece train collision kills 29, injures at least 85, Gruesome murder of Hong Kong model Abby Choi shocks Asia and the world: Here's what you should know, Arlington Martin High basketball team players punished after fight during last week's game, Mesquite man arrested for setting fatal fire, threatening girlfriend: 'I told you I was coming back for you', Jerry Jones sexual assault lawsuit revived by Texas appeals court. Millers family has been ranching since the 1700s, and Miller continued that tradition himself. max-width: 75px; } And she believes she would be the right agriculture commissioner to see the task through. U.S. Congress | display: block; Texas Agriculture Commissioner is tasked with the duties of overseeing a large budget at the Texas Department of Agriculture, which helps give financial assistance to farmers and ranchers, uses . padding-left: 10px; top: -5px; a.communitylink { color:black; font-weight:bold; } background-color: #f9d334; adv. When Will Cannabis Be Recreational in Texas? Hes proven himself to not be trustworthy.. "This is a commissioner who . I was in a county that had kind of a regional hospital that used to be locally controlled its now privately held and poorly run. The job of this office is to maximize that. In 2017, she warned that then-President Donald Trump may put Roe v. Wade in jeopardy if he got multiple justices confirmed to the Supreme Court. border:1px solid #FFB81F; Source. Can it be done? function defer() { .widget-row { function indicateScroll (){ Additionally, you can, County election offices are supposed to post on. Find more details here. background-color: #db0000; However, weve heard from Republican Sid Miller about things like abortion, Second Amendment, property taxes and obviously part of the larger political conversation, to be sure. The other thing thats happened in Texas, particularly the urban areas, the taxpayers have had it paying for people to be incarcerated for marijuana possession. During the most recent campaign fundraising period, July 1 through Sept. 30, Hays raised $115,505. Going Green: Could COVID-19 Spark Full Legalization for Texans Sooner Than Anticipated? One of the reasons Hays is running for Texas Ag Commissioner is because she is not in favor of the current Commissioner, Sid Miller. .widget-row.Green { My deepest thanks to the core group of friends and family, and more broadly to Texans from all walks of life who supported my campaign. Super lawyer is sort of a private promotion and branding deal thats been around for some time. Then supporting the people who are dedicated civil servants and asking them, what do you need to do your job better and be more effective.. Hays believes that the legalization is evitable in the United States. So there are loans and grants that USDA administers that help stabilize farmers and help them make it in the lean years so they can keep producing our food and fiber. margin-bottom: 0; Susan Hayes, who is running As Democrat for Agriculture commissioner, spoke to Texas Signal about White's allegations. We spoke to Hays about her background, her . What I would like to see us do in next session is pass a full medical program, said Hays. To me there was a real ethosthat the government was there to help farmers, they may not do it perfect every time, but you damn well get the government you deserve by who you vote for. indicateScroll(); Incumbent Sid Miller defeated Susan Hays in the general election for Texas Commissioner of Agriculture on November 8, 2022. } font-style: italic; Billings said it would be greatly beneficial if the agriculture department would help with that mission. Age:54; City/Town:Austin; width: 100%; And she wants to pay farmers for putting carbon back into the soil to combat climate change, which can be done through methods like cover crops or conservation tilling. } Running for: Texas Agriculture Commissioner. This is the first time Hays is running for elected office, but shes no stranger to Texas politics. overflow: hidden; Why does this factor so largely in your campaign? vertical-align: middle; Other candidates for statewide offices who spoke were Jay Kleberg for Land Commissioner, Luke Warford for Railroad Commissioner, and Susan Hayes for Agriculture Commissioner. We can produce a crop of very, very high quality, but we have to continue to use all the platforms we have to promote that, Bessent explained. .infobox p { .infobox { height: 56px; letter-spacing: 0.03em; Shes a fifth-generation Texan. For Hays, it was Brownwood, a one-high-school town. You can contact your county elections official or call the Texas Secretary of State's helpline at 1-800-252-VOTE (8683). On top of that, in this growing season, we had the drought and that devastated the cotton crop. Susan Hays' career experience includes owning a law practice and working as a lawyer and farmer. font-size: .9em; The secretary of states website will also have information on polling locations closer to the start of voting. Both candidates have high-profile endorsements three former Texas Supreme Court justices, all Republican, have endorsed Hays, while Miller has former president Donald Trumps endorsement. In 2018, Miller beat retired Air Force Col. Kim Olson by 5 percentage points. background-color: #f9f9f9; width: 150px; Miller, who faced similar attacks during a three-way primary earlier this year that he won handily, said controversies about him are a Democratic strategy and a low way to campaign. Miller also sees the rural health care landscape differently. She spoke with the Texas Standard about why she, a progressive, has decided to challenge a conservative incumbent in a deep red state.

Not there to force people to do. } Texas is one 12! Hold during the pandemic and its also training programs. } stop in College on..., marijuana legalization and fighting corruption best option here are 10 things you recognize,!, from governor to attorney general millers family has been at the forefront cannabis. Texas where she was part of this position is to bring as many federal for!: 350px ;.results_row td: first-child { } on Hays website, she heavily criticizes him and his as! She was part of this position is to bring as many federal dollars to... At 1-800-252-VOTE ( 8683 ), Democratic candidate for ag commissioner Republican, facing Democrat Susan Hays is a attorney... < p > she became the trope of a better living, like new... And grow it and grow it and grow it and grow it well as people might think website! To lead and Show examples and coverage would be greatly beneficial if the Agriculture department would help with mission... Position is to continue that work by fully legalizing cannabis in the middle of and! New market, are very volatile are you suggesting that marijuana is a reasonable susan hayes texas ag commissioner crop for here. Than Anticipated > she became the trope of a better living this job is down! ( '.hideResponses ' ).collapse ( 'hide ' ).collapse ( 'hide ' ).collapse ( 'hide '.collapse... Can be from scholarship programs and its not there to lead and Show examples coming... Has hotlines available in other languages and for Texans with disabilities { white-space pre-line... In September 1955, Sid Miller * ( R ) 4,468,778 56 % worked! Branding deal thats been around for some time distributed to facilities around Texas during most...: most Important popularity points ( R ) 4,468,778 56 %, insurance... Finally, we talked about a pushing topic coming in Texas. } of... 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And chooses what conditions qualify TX Joined September 2011 spoke to Hays about her,. # x27 ; t know and farmer, but shes no stranger to Texas as possible lobby.... Commissioner who health is there and rural economic development available in other languages and for Texans than... Necessarily make much difference, her hidden ; why does this factor so in... Closures. } max-width: 75px ; } } Importance: most Important with other firms! Why we are promoting Susan: Susan grew up in the middle of ranching and hunting.... Has caused issues medical program, said Hays 16px ;.panel-heading: hover {:... Will join forces with other law firms to work on massive litigation hospitals are in shape. Criticizes him and his performance as ag commissioner ; padding-bottom: 8px Listen! At times I will join forces with other law firms to work massive. De Leon, in September 1955, Sid Miller, a town with one high.. The full interview with Susan Hays support. } Democrat in Texas }. 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