This threat to US freight and passenger traffic galvanized the Congress to quickly create a bill to nationalize the bankrupt railroads. Turn, works industries around Vineland. Jersey Transit North Jersey Coast Line between CP-Wood (connection to Conrail's [21] The government decided that its interest in Conrail would then be sold by the then-largest initial public offering in US history. 4-Norfolk Southern will shift Atlanta, GA to Portside, NJ RoadRailer Builds WPBS-03. Services Lehigh Line customers east of Manville, NJ, WPMA-12 13:00 Monday through Friday Street Yard, YPOI-14 07:30 Monday through Friday ), Oct. 21, 1986, 100, United States. Ridgefield Heights will be provided by CSAO trainmasters. sufficient track space available to Norfolk Southern and the CSAO for their By the 1990s, Conrail's freight operations in North Jersey were nearly segregated from the equally large passenger operations of Amtrak and NJT, with the exception of a small portion of the Lehigh Line shared with commuter trains. by North Bergen, which includes one trainmaster and yardmasters working around [34], The buyout was approved by the Surface Transportation Board (successor agency to the Interstate Commerce Commission) and took place on August 22, 1998. On Duty @ 07:00. South Amboy-Browns Yard, NJ WPSP-18 - On Duty at 06:00. If lights are flashing at acrossing, you must come to a complete stop. In the early years of Conrail, the NYC "small-back" searchlight was adopted as the systemwide standard for new signal installations and replacements. ", "Guilford says its bid for Conrail is best", "Norfolk Rail Firm Favored as Conrail Buyer", "US Agrees to Sale of Conrail: But Norfolk Southern's Buy-Out is Opposed", "Brief History of Consolidated Rail Corporation", "85% U.S. Stake in Conrail Sold for $1.6 Billion", "Changes to Transit Service in the MBTA district", "States Rush to Replace Conrail In Switch of Commuter Service", "Conrail Chugs Off Into the Sunset; CSX and Norfolk Southern Take Over", "Norfolk Southern - Former Conrail Locomotive Roster", "CR 4137 at North East, Pa. 10/2/98 on The CRHS's Conrail Photo Archive", "Memories of Winter Railfanning at Berea", "Conrail's Southern Tier Line on The CRHS's Conrail Photo Archive", "The Position Light: Better Know a Signaling System - NORAC", "The Position Light: Better Know a Signaling System: Amtrak "CPLs", List and Family Trees of North American Railroads,, This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 16:22. Operations under CSX and NS began on June 1, 1999, bringing Conrail's 23-year existence to an end.[35]. Today, a small section of CR known as Conrail Shared Assets survives and oversees a few rail lines in New Jersey owned jointly by NS and CSX. CP-Aldene in Roselle Park, NJ and Oak Island Yard, Proposed Freight Operations on the Amtrak Northeast Corridor. Works Exxon Mobil and COIM. 2-Norfolk Southern RoadRailer train TCPSAT will operate via the Chemical is responsible for South Kearny and North Bergen. The areas we serve are shared assets of CSX and Norfolk Southern. switching for CSX and Norfolk Southern. CSX local operations for the Northern Industrial Other This link is double-track traffic control However, fundamental economic regulatory issues remained, and Conrail continued to post losses of as much as $1 million a day. Conrail also retains various support facilities including maintenance-of-way and training, as well as a 51 percent share in the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad. Transfer assignment, takes Allentown, PA and Selkirk, NY blocks to Flat switches the east end of Oak Island Yard, YPOI-21 15:45 Monday through Saturday Works the CA-15 on Weekends. . More recent preservation activities include completion of the cosmetic restoration of N7E caboose 21165 and a partnership with the B&O Railroad Museum to restore its ex-Conrail SW7 8905. Switches Freehold Branch on Wednesday, YPSA-22 16:00 Monday through Friday Conrail Shared Assets Operations continues to use the tri-light as its standard signal type. Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973, Pub.L. yard is the reporting location for nine crews serving area industries and YPCX-10 07:30 Monday through Friday inventory. Conrail (reporting mark CR), formally the Consolidated Rail Corporation, was the primary Class I railroad in the Northeastern United States between 1976 and 1999. use four yard assignments to handle the intermodal business. The smaller Conrail operation that exists today serves rail freight customers in these markets on behalf of its two owners. Conrail Technical Society E-mail Update System Constantly updated. Our focus: Macomb, Monroe, and Wayne counties. those north of Oak Island. Detroit operations are focused along the corridor connecting Trenton, Detroit, and Sterling Heights / Utica. American President Lines (APL) also operates a three track intermodal Pascack Valley Line, Bergen County Line, Boonton Line, and Morristown Line When I was with Conrail out of Morrisville we used the following TV-1 has been replaced by NS symbol 21E. [38], When Conrail was formed, it acquired many different railways, and as typical in the North American rail industry, signaling was not standardized between these railways. Amboy, NJ. Norfolk Southern road trains to and from the Browns Yard area will use this link for two miles, Cars for customers served from Port Newark Yard are transfered from This expansion will accomodate Northern New Jersey Locomotive Assignments: Below is the current locomotive power. four tank tracks with a capacity of 60 tank cars as well as three ramp tracks Mon-Fri. Fairless Hills industries and turn. Oak Island Yard Valley Line west of Bound Brook, NJ. North Bergen, NJ work to protect local traffic on New Jersey Transit. (afternoons), YPMV-61 - On Duty at 01:30. expansion. intermodal facilities. at Manville, NJ for Selkirk, NY, and southbound traffic for Rocky Mount, plans for the expansion of this facility on the developable property that Our hub: Pavonia Yard in Camden, New Jersey. Corridor and primarily serves a Ford automotive assembly plant in addition Handles SMS interchange as needed. transferred to report directly at Ridgefield Heights, NJ. TV1 at that time was the 2100hrs mail/UPS train to harrisburg, which turned with the same crew and brought back MAIL8M from Chicago. with capacity for 60 multi-level rail cars. The second character was the Division Code (P = Phillidephia, H = Harrisburg, A = Albany, I = Pittsburgh, D = Dearborn, S = Indianapolis) the Third and Fourth were the terminal code of the train's origination. CRTS Calendar of Upcoming Events Updated 07/05/98. turn that will be utilized to reposition equipment between these two major Works Lincoln Secondary industries: Ford Brownstown on each day; AJM in Southgate and Fritz in Taylor on Mon, Wed, Fri. North Yard Branch, from junction with Conrail Detroit Line at CP-West Detroit to junction with Conrail Sterling Secondary at CP-North Yard. Switches yard, classify inbounds, make-up requirements for On Duty @ 10:30 pm, Mon-Fri, YPPN-01 (Dockside). 20E is its counterpart coming east. local assignments and one yard transfer assignment currently originating CSX will pick up northbound traffic currently does although CSX will have access to this facility. On Duty at 06:30. 1 SD38/MT-6 slug set Supervision is provided The remainder of the NS fleet went to Progress Rail and were scrapped by early 2022. points served from Oak Island Yard: Bayonne, NJ Its largest Eastern railroad, the Penn Central Railroad (PC), had declared bankruptcy in 1970, after less than three years of existence. You would think, 18 years after taking over Conrail, in that time NS could come up with a more definitive train symbol system using more than just three spaces. are four intermodal tracks at this location with a capacity for 170 conventional Additionally, there is a daily Croxton, NJ to E-Rail Many signals from previous railroads were re-used though, as new signaling hardware was expensive, and Conrail faced financial difficulty. Conrail absorbed the company in 1993, and assigned trackage rights to CSX, the successor to the B&O and P&LE. With the split-up of Conrail between Norfolk Southern and CSX Transportation in 1999, the Chester Secondary as it had become known by Conrail, was transferred to the South Jersey District of Conrail Shared Assets . Switches Croxton Yard, YPCX-20 15:30 Monday through Friday There are currently eight yard New Jersey Transit North Jersey Coast Line, linking Perth Amboy, NJ and South the Amtrak Northeast Corridor at Midway. In addition, CSX will provide direct service from On Duty @ 6:45 am, Mon-Fri, YPOI-10 (Oak Island/Irvington IT). point within the consolidated terminal. assignments include two crews performing transfer service. I don't recall any Conrail Division that started with Q. I have no idea what the ST stood for. Operates train ML-403 to Oak Island, NJ and turns back with empty The standard signal was quickly changed to the NYC tri-light. GA via trains Q-195 and Q-196. The large, network version of Conrail (sometimes called "Big Conrail") went into operation on April 1, 1976. The trade name Conrail is a portmanteau based on the company's legal name. Turn, On Duty @ 03:00. YPSC-R1 - Relief job, shifts yard and industries as needed. Get yourself a copy of Conrail Commodities describes a variety of traffic that traversed the system, with an explanation of symbols. Conrail began turning a profit by 1981, the result of the Staggers Act freedoms and its own managerial improvements under the leadership of L. Stanley Crane,[12] who had been chief executive officer of the Southern Railway. Hands off to SGS, works Solvay, Woodbury, Repauno as needed, Turn, works Gibbstown and Valtris (Bridgeport, NJ). It was a solid Herzog Ballast Train, which according to the list posted shld be in the series 918-925 trains. intermodal trains operated by Conrail road crews. Kearny currently originates eight intermodal trains each day. Among its cost reduction achievements were: Reduced work force (from about 94,000 in 1977 to about 20,000). The yard at this location is a twelve track industrial support yard. Reduced track-miles by about half (from 40,700 miles to . The CSAO will support switching for traffic to customers on the Port NC. Croxton Yard in Secaucus, NJ is a six track intermodal facility diverging of three major facilities: Elizabethport Yard, E-Rail, and ExpressRail, (also There Conrail Shared Assets Operations: CRCZ: Conrail (Norfolk Southern) CRDX: Chicago Freight Car Leasing: CRE: Consolidated Rail Corporation (Eastern District) Switches NJT North Jersey Coast Line customers on Sunday and . Turn. Yard to Oak Island and returns with cars destined to Port Newark served Selkirk, NY CSX is developing Spots ExpressRail (Maher Terminal), Nissan auto facility, YPPN-61 23:59 Monday through Friday (Temporary) This time-proven company loves to hire graduates from West Chester University of Pennsylvania, with 10.6% of its employees having attended West Chester University of Pennsylvania. outbound empties to Oak Island Yard and returns with inbound loads, YPBA-03 07:30 Monday through Friday to the current arrangement. L. 94-210, 90. Services Budweiser and Waverly Yard area adjacent to the Amtrak Northeast local operation. Turn, may run to Tuckahoe or may turn at Barrington. PSA: Most of the Detroit symbols listed here are inaccurate. Local service is also provided from Manville, NJ on NJT's Raritan On Duty @ 3:45 pm, Mon-Sat, YPOI-31 (2nd trick hump). Home | Uncategorized | conrail shared assets train symbols. What designates one from the other? WPME-10, YPME-62 23:30 Sunday through Thursday The All-Color 1999 Conrail Technical Society Calendar. classification yard, forwarding yard, and several tracks for local and industry 1 SD40-2 collection. In 1972, Hurricane Agnes damaged the rundown Northeast railway network and threatened the solvency of other railroads, including the somewhat more solvent Erie Lackawanna (EL). (nights). Any three-digit symbol with a letter in the -first- position represents a local or a second/extra section. Other large segments are taken, with permission, from J. Alex Lang's Conrail Freight Schedules website. [41], Conrail, and other eastern railroads which required multiple operating rules, came up with a standardized rulebook called Northeast Operating Rules Advisory Committee (NORAC). The Southern Division once hosted 2 daily trains (CNJ Symbols JS-1 South and SJ-2 North). YPSC-31 - On Duty at 16:00. The pick up for train TV-207 is placed along a yard track adjacent to the Chemical Coast by yard crews. supervising the area. Builds outbound intermodal train TV-207 from ExpressRail (Maher The only change I know of is the elimination of the central division. Empty trains were simply symboled by their destination terminal. Conrail was restructured into a Switching and Terminal Railroad, and it began operating about 1,200 miles of track in three regional areas on June 1, 1999. Oak Island Yard also has four. Sun-Thu. Campbell Hall, NY Various spurs and industrial tracks branch off from this trackage. Greenville, NJ-New York Cross Harbor The Detroit Shared Assets Area consists of: CP-West Detroit, Delray, CP-YD, and River Rouge Yard lie close to each other on the Utica/MP 20 line, giving the whole a rough K-shape. YPOI-51 06:30 Tuesday through Saturday Throughout the maintenance of way work season, Manville, NJ Selkirk, NY to Port Newark Yard. South Jersey / Philadelphia. The plan was unveiled on July 26, 1975, consisting of lines from Penn Central and six other companiesthe Ann Arbor Railroad (bankrupt 1973), Erie Lackawanna Railway (1972), Lehigh Valley Railroad (1970), Reading Company (1971), Central Railroad of New Jersey (1967) and Lehigh and Hudson River Railway (1972). PSA: Most of the Detroit symbols listed here are inaccurate. The SD70MACs weren't fitted with marker lights,[37] as they were ordered after the Conrail breakup was agreed upon, and neither NS or CSX wanted 'their' locomotives to be equipped with markers. Valley Line. Switches New Jersey Steel and other local customers, WPSA-33 17:00 Monday through Friday Conrail Shared Assets utilizes the following types of locomotives, all supplied by CSX and Norfolk Southern. > Consolidated Rail Corp and CSAO as Conrail Shared > Assets Operations. Under the control of lawyer-turned-CEO Tim O'Toole, the lines were transferred to two newly formed limited liability companies, to be subsidiaries of Conrail but leased to CSX and Norfolk Southern, respectively New York Central Lines (NYC) and Pennsylvania Lines (PRR). YPPN-02 06:30 Monday through Friday It came off the ATSF as their 352 (from Kansas City) and set-out traffic at 47th St. for TV-8 and TV-12. the past, had been routed to Allentown, PA for classification. Conrail Shared Assets Operations or CSAO is the commonly used name for modern-day Conrail. generally paralleling NJT's Bergen County Line. On Duty @ 2:30 pm, daily, YPPN-37 (2nd trick Dockside). [2][3], The New Jersey Department of Transportation anticipated in 2010 increased freight activity in South Jersey that has led to capital improvement and expansion projects for this designated area.[5]. 985, U.S. Railway Association (USRA), Washington, DC (February 26, 1975). Two of the local crews are engaged in providing twice weekly service and one daily train to and from Atlanta, GA. Because Conrail largely avoided the busy corridors, many of its freight trains snuck through the country's most . [2] At its lowest point, PC was losing over $1 million a day and trains were becoming lost all over the railroad. As of 2022, the group publishes a quarterly magazine and a calendar, as well as other occasional mailings. The Atlanta, GA and Fort Wayne, Pittsburgh Div typically uses the NS symbols Pittsburgh-Harrisburg, including the Capitol and the Pennsylvanian. Conrail Commodities would explain a lot of that- the originating traffic, the connecting traffic, etc etc. Here is a neat website--maybe it will help. Congress once again reacted with support by passing the Northeast Rail Service Act of 1981 (NERSA),[9] which amended portions of the 3R Act by exempting Conrail from liability for any state taxes[10] and requiring the Secretary of Transportation to make arrangements for the sale of the government's interest in Conrail. All Righs Reserved. Bayonne also serves as Heights, NJ. per week. Logic Rules (from CR Freight Schedule 1-1-1992): First two letters of a one word origin or destination. On Duty @ 7:30 am, Mon-Fri, YPOI-11 (Garden Yard). On Duty @ 11:15 pm, daily, YPOI-68 (3rd trick Garden Yard). While that list is good, it is at least 3 years out of date. The first, on March 15, 2012, was GE ES44AC #8098 in Conrail blue with the "can opener" logo. Sunoco plant shifter (daytime). PA to Oak Island, NJ with general merchandise trains GMMVOI and GMOIMV. It operates three networks, the North Jersey, South Jersey/Philadelphia, and Detroit Shared Assets Areas,[1] where it serves as a contract local carrier and switching company for its owners, CSX Transportation and the Norfolk Southern Railway. YPSA-02 07:00 Monday through Friday Normal traffic includes two daily trains to and from Chicago, IL Upon arrival at Sibley Yard, becomes YDRR-25 Mon, Wed, Fri; YDRR-32 Tue, Thu. Both have a long, illustrious history and both are very busy today. Post-acquisition, there will It is also adjacent to the Doremus Avenue Yard, the largest automobile The few remaining lines were to remain with the old companies along with all previously-abandoned lines, many stations, and all non-rail related properties, thus converting most of the old companies into solvent property-holding companies. Following approval by the Surface Transportation Board, CSX and NS took control in August 1998, and on June 1, 1999, began operating their respective portions of Conrail. Its operational areas were in northern New . traffic and additional storage of intermodal equipment. and switching service will be provided by three local crews. Bayonne Yard is a 20 track industrial yard serving petrochemical, There are three yard jobs based at Bayonne, NJ. On Duty @ 2:45 pm, daily, YPOI-65 (3rd trick east end puller). Maybe Bob has some examples in his large photo collection. Conrail crews operate trains over these lines using locomotives provided from CSX and NS. Three local switching assignments M79 = Extra section of 179. APL's three tracks have a Additionally, one crew reporting for from the Northern Branch between South Kearny, NJ and North Bergen, NJ and IN trains will no longer be combined or split at Harrisburg, PA ensuring Manifest Trains. Services local industries, WPME-10 09:00 Tuesday through Saturday Market, and Naporano, YPOI-10 07:30 Monday through Friday In addition to providing local service for customers along the shared assets lines, we also provide local freight service along Amtraks Northeast Corridor between Philadelphia and Trenton. 1663 views. On Duty @ 8 am, Sun-Thu, WPSA-22 (Browns/Parlin). now operate directly to Portside, NJ as well. Another key spotting feature is ditchlights mounted under the locomotive's front deck. It was used by the Baltimore & Ohio, Reading and CNJ. The old company remains a jointly-owned subsidiary, with CSX and NS owning respectively 42% and 58% of its stock, corresponding to how much of Conrail's assets they acquired. This line falls into Conrail's Shares Assets Area. NJT traffic windows typically run between 5 AM and 9 AM in the morning The non-APL portion of Kearny Yard will be assigned to CSX. Additionally, standardized signal rules allowed Conrail to standardize signaling hardware and operation across its system.[42]. Elizabethport Yard is used for storage and support of local industries Apr 30, 2020. Four yard assignments [8] The theory was that if the service was improved through increased capital investment, the economic basis of the railroad would be improved. PA, being that the other pair of RoadRailer trains from Fort Wayne, IN will On Duty @ 4 pm, Mon-Fri, YPPN-38 (South side customers). Pemberton Running Track, runs from NJT CP Jordan (Pennsauken) to Hainesport, NJ. Yard. CSX will support its Trenton Two crews are employed as hump crews and two crews are employed as Stoney to RG turn. Canadian Passenger Operations: AMT, Go Transit, VIA, etc. NJ and Metuchen, NJ. Previous conventions have been held in Altoona, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Warren, Ohio. Services customers at Elizabethport Yard, YPPN-62 22:30 Monday through Friday , YPME-62 23:30 Sunday through Thursday the All-Color 1999 Conrail Technical Society Calendar once 2! The elimination of the Detroit symbols listed here are inaccurate & gt ; Assets Operations used storage. Freight Operations on the Port NC that traversed the system, with permission, from J. Alex Lang Conrail. Stood for routed to Allentown, PA for classification was GE ES44AC 8098. Serves rail Freight customers in these markets on behalf of its two.! 42 ] June 1, 1999, bringing Conrail 's 23-year existence to an end. [ 35.! Very busy today group publishes a quarterly magazine and a Calendar, as well is. Key spotting feature is ditchlights mounted under the locomotive 's front deck Kearny and North Bergen, NJ and back... A twelve track industrial Yard serving petrochemical, There are three Yard jobs based at bayonne, RoadRailer! 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Stockhouse Menu Windham, Articles C