Fatigue or localized muscle strain. Please don't worry about taking Gabapentin if it helps. However, it will not cause a sudden jerk or full contraction in the muscle. i wake every every day twitching arches, bicep, calves its been five months now and im so nervous i cant sleep were yours really as bad as mine like non stop?? Thanks for letting me vent!! Questions about transferring a patient is Hoyer lift the only option? People living with ALS often experience muscle twitching or fasciculations, as the signal from the nerves to the muscles become more disrupted. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. When the timer clicks off, Im often fast asleep. This is such a weird disease in the way it progresses differently for everyone. Best wishes. My question is do fasciculations typically come first and then weakness/atrophy? I sometimes have them in my hands and occasionally on the left, lower part of my face. Lightly at first then more prominent over a few months. Foster, J. I am afraid I will hurt them! EMG tests on my nerves electrical tests. Beginning to feel a little weakness in my legs but still walking on my own two feet without any assistance for now. My muscles twitch a lot each day even when I'm at school. I have fasciculations everywhere. Not completely gone but livable. Every day is a gift; that is why it is called the present. Or are they something else? ALS sets us up to move less. Our muscles want to cramp, contract & spazz given the slightest opportunity; getting on the floor, keeping them lengthened & modestly exercised (recumbent cycle) seems to calm them down. In addition to supplements, I take both Radicava (started 9/17) and Riluzole (started 9/19). A. Sounds like my husband is in the early stages of ALS and the Dr just hasnt seen another patient present like him. The affected muscles will atrophy or get smaller over time. I can prove it to be true based on my own hands which I constantly have been using. but lyme would be weird since i am never in the woods or around tics. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Drugs that may trigger fasciculations include: These twitches will usually subside when the person stops taking the medication and do not cause BFS. try to find ways to relax. This is the peripheral nervous system. I continue to have fasciculations intermittently throughout the day. They are not painful. The twitch will be most noticeable when the body is at rest. Some are harmless, while others are more serious. You often hear people complaining about random muscles in their body starting to involuntarily twitch for no apparent reason. Exercise or physical exertion. If stress does exacerbate the symptoms, then some people could find themselves in a cycle of BFS symptoms and anxiety. By the time the test would show positive, you would be dying and need to have the Milwaukee Protocol. It happens because the I find that the less you dwell on those kind of minor symptoms the better. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. I had an emg last year that was supposedly negative. I am going through something similar now hope your well God bless. Gave it up and went back to supplements. I personally credit improving my diet, daily stretching and intentionally moving throughout the day as helping. The fasciculations have intensified to his whole body most of the time. Plus, taking mega-doses of supplements without medical supervision is self-medicating and carries a risk of adverse reactions. Ive had noticeable twitching for a couple years, leg cramps at night before the twitches. It is possible to have a clean or normal emg and then develop a abnormal emg at a later time. At 300mg I experienced side effects I didnt like. Thanks for the tip.Ill give it a try. Muscles contain motor units, which are a group of muscle and nerve fibers that work together to contract a muscle. WebThe twitches usually develop when the muscle is at rest. Muscle twitching is a very slight, often repetitive triggering of the muscle, but it doesn't bring about a complete muscle contraction. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Since then I have had strong Spasticity but very few to no twitches. My grandfather died of ALS in his mid 60s. Yes mine were non stop, super scary and not normal. Another acquired cause is radiation therapy. He has had multiple biles of blood work done that show low magnesium levels. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. Im praying for the best but my gut tells me different. That's because fasciculations in conjunction with other muscle-related symptoms can be indicative of a serious neurologic illness like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig's disease or anything else that damages nerves. I would like to ask if anyone has suggestions on how to tone down a high startle response Everything seems to startle me? Plus that all our emgs stay normal. "In the case of eye twitching, it could even be due to general fatigue of the eye muscles.". Received my official diagnosis from my ALS specialist 11/19. Consider that you may have a small fiber neuropathy. I just started treatment for it 3 weeks ago. I'm a teenager and I have these symptomps! It's a co infection to Lyme and comes from a Cat scratch or other things. All rights reserved. Its been months. I use Magnesium 400 mg daily and just deal with it. It is only time after symptoms and the fact you never develop weakness. All rights reserved. Praying it is a slow progressing one. I also suffer significant burning pain and the Gabapentin helps dampen the pain. I still remember the night of twitches in my right leg. Sorrytotally got off topic ? A fractured toe later I watch every step now. "Fasciculations, which are random, involuntary muscle twitches, are extremely common," says Dr. William Ondo, a neurologist who specializes in movement disorders at Houston Methodist. Hi Erik I was wondering if you have found anything out? I have had a plethora of symptoms (twitching all over constantly, especially at night when im trying to sleep; muscle cramping and pain in my calfs, triceps, quads; some weird lip sensation that I cant explain; pain in my feet and hands; fatigue; hand spasms; and some weird all over sensation that feels like a tidal wave of electricity that comes and goes) yet I have not been diagnosed. The twitching also affects the muscle while it is resting. Fasciculations may also be linked to other routine factors such as: Twitching in the calves and thighs occurs most often. I haven't visited a doctor. "They can be disruptive, but fasciculations are usually nothing to worry about although many people are still curious to understand why they happen," says Dr. Ondo. I'm terrible for looking at the Internet but my foot was very numb and I've started to take B12 supplement tablets and my leg feels more normal than before mention to you doctor about maybe checking you b12 level this vitamin helps keep your mylene sheath good around you spinal cord I think. respect of any healthcare matters. I've been told by multiple doctors that it is a really old and safe drug. Because of this possible confusion, it is imperative that doctors perform a thorough diagnosis. stretch and massage any muscles affected by cramps. Unfortunately, they are an unneeded expense for pALS and only line the pockets of the supplement companies. I am 15 almost16 months sincr Mine started. For example, anticonvulsants like phenytoin and carbamazepine are used to treat muscle contractions, ache and rigidity. Gut-brain axis: how the microbiome influences anxiety and depression. And I've had muscle pain, stuff muscles that comes and goes. Why can we not get any answers . On steroids to reduce inflammation but still got muscle twitching gggrrrr. We do atrophy from ALS and it is not only due to lack of movement as a result of ALS. ALS News Today Forums is strictly a news and information website about the disease. Don't let doctors tell you that it's just anxiety, but also, don't be overly concerned that it is something serious. There is no known cure yet. It is unclear if this stress and anxiety make symptoms worse, though many people report that it does. I also have to avoid most all spices that excite the nerves. Much of the diagnosis focuses on ruling out other more serious disorders, such as multiple sclerosis (MS) or ALS. I wish it were but there is no test developed to prove you will not ever have als. This particular problem started about 5 years ago, however it was much more mild and not as worrying. He also said emg can be done to early. Erik it is true you have to have more emgs. Dont even pay attention to it any more. Muscle twitches are usually not a cause for concern. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. "That's either a muscle cramp or spasm which are similar to fasciculations, yet different. Im blessed with a SaintAngel (partner) who massages my uprisings (twitching quads/vastus/calves) providing AMAZING relief. injuries. My tongue (bulbar), left foot/leg are most affected. By 9/19 was noticing significant loss of strength in my right hand and began losing strength in my left hand as well. It most often affects the arms, legs, and back. In the last 30-45 days or so, however, I have noticed the twitching both returning and being much more frequent, and also accompanied by muscle spasms as well. My response has been no to all. Great info here from everyone. Usually this goes away in a few seconds. Lori No, First noticed twitching a couple years ago very minor. I concur. These disorders can be inherited or acquired. i use cvs chewable 400mg pils. But my cell phone ringing will make me jump. I first suspected my throat weakness as being the cause, it's logical, weak muscles don't hold things together good.after my swallowing problems disappeared and my throat returned to normalit was gone, Ya same here didn't play around as soon as I felt something weird my ent who was a dentist as well he is older with a ton of experience saw that my swallowing was normal in a throats scope where they shove that thing up ur nose and he said my throats was dry that's it and the clicking was prevalent at the time .. so even if it was als can't imagine sore throats and all that kick in right away in the first 3 months as it's a progressive disease the mind is powerful .. Some people may experience muscletwitching in the legs at night, when the spasms can be felt more prominently, while the body is at rest. Muscle twitches, spasms and cramps are the signature symptom. Thank you for any input or advice you might share. But enjoying nighttime free from pain, at least for the time being. Why Does Hitting Your Funny Bone Hurt So Much. If you cant do that have someone help you. Because they're rarely serious and not fully understood, there aren't any FDA-approved treatments to stop muscle twitching. I did have pain & pins & needles in my foot at same time. [Abstract]. According to an article in the journal Neurology, more than 70 percent of healthy people experience benign fasciculations, which are rarely associated with a serious neuromuscular disorder. Too many symptoms and no other explanation from any doctors. And, get used to laughing after it happenswe pALS do have strong reflex reactions I find the humor in it, and that helps diffuse the situation and relax my body. Magnesium deficiency. It was only after surgery did I start to see fasciculations in both legs. Time is the only indicator that you will be ok. The reason why its so common is the Western Diet. I would go see your doctor and suggest he should send you to see a neurologist. not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in
It was at that time she ordered comprehensive blood tests and the EMG. Myoclonus is the medical term for these fast, involuntary twitches.
And lumba puncture today so hope they figure something out soon, Hi Terry 62719 if you don't mind me asking did you get a diagnoses, Hi dan. So I had both issues at the concurrently (I think). This February of 2023 i had muscle spasm on both thighs. get plenty of rest. physical exhaustion and lack of sleep. Muscle weakness and/or atrophy is the result of lack of muscle movement. Yes! stress. First he had them on and off mostly on his left side starting in January of 2019 (just turned 50) which he attributed to mild arthritis in his shoulder and his hip replacement he had done 2 years prior. A cramp is usually obvious and painful but will eventually stop.". A while back I wrote a tongue-in-cheek blog post about ALS cures titled Auntie A. Ellis Gets Cured. I knew this was new and different for me but because it was intermittent I did not consider this symptom very important. Muscle twitching all over body and muscle rigidity are also common symptoms. Ugh. I was on mexilitine which helped some at night but eventually my heart rhythms went crazy and I had to go off it. I still am active and have very little muscle weakness. Hi Bill I can relate Doorbells, action movies, a boom from outside, and moreand Im suddenly a cat hugging the ceiling! BFS is not associated with nerve damage, so finding any nerve damage would be a sign of a different disorder. as being in breach of those terms. I'm now going into plan B seeing how this is not going away which is body and DNA rejuvenate safely going to hammer my body with nutrients for the brain and antioxidants so if I do have something bad my body will fight back while this is still fresh not after its to late. Pensacola, FL 32502 If you haven't gotten the shots yet, get them. It is caused by mutation or absence of survival motor neuron gene (SMN-1) which makes a protein that fortifies motor neurons. The twitching is stronger with exercise and being on my feet all day. PT? Learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatments, Many issues can cause finger twitching. 2 each day. This site is strictly a news and information website about the disease. But hey I'm not a doctor so only look at the Internet yourself please and go see your doctor hope you get sorted out . Hi! 9 month of symptoms in rabies is unheard of. Was twitching your first and only symptom? This activity is out of the brains control, and the resulting movement can be unexpected. It is one of the symptoms that the team at the ALS Clinic keeps a close tab on for the pre-fALS study. My feet do involuntary jerks a few times each night as Im trying to get to sleep. Im just at a loss on all of this its very stressful and depressing to think about it. "In fact, twitching in the tongue muscle is almost always abnormal.". The people who said they have twitching as their very first symptom: a) Often didnt notice present weakness in these muscles, some muscles you just dont Treatment depends on the cause of the condition. However, it may happen almost anywhere in the body. Posted
However, if I walk barefoot over a grain of sand on the floor at night, I react from the pain, but I wouldnt call it a startle reflex. John, I dont think there is any established order to what comes first. pALS can experience muscle/nerve twitching at any point. Diagnosis Information and General Questions, Mobility Aides, Assistive Technology and Medical Equipment, This topic has 68 replies, 37 voices, and was last updated. These are caused I take a pain pill before I go to bed to sleep for five hours. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a12cc302e2d4bcb Im blessed with a SaintAngel (partner) who massages my uprisings (twitching quads/vastus/calves) providing AMAZING relief. The doctor may need to rule out any other possible causes or underlying conditions. I ended up having minimally invasive back surgery March 2018 as all surgeons thought I had nerve compression as my MRI showed spinal stenosis. For me the best thing has been to remain positive, work around your symptoms and dont bother with treatment which calms muscle just to promote comfort. My neurologist recommends no more than 20 grams per day as an excessive amount can be detrimental. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. In May 2019 my neck muscles got weak and I am wearing a brace around my neck. (2013). I just dont know what to think or what to prepare for. Ya, I have muscle twitching 24 hours a day. This also means that a person with ALS will begin to feel weaker as the condition progresses. Havent had twitching for a long time. Abnormal gene leads to degeneration of the motor neurons of the spinal cord. and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified
I don't think that nerve conduction tests will pick this up. If I miss stretching for one day, I really feel it. That is interesting that your husband only has fasciculations/twitching and no other symptoms of ALS. The last reason for muscle twitching all over body is Isaac's syndrome. I immediately googled to search for sterching excercises. WebSometimes I observe the rate which they occur, seems like usually around 30 twitches a minute on average. Twitching can occur after physical activity because lactic acid accumulates in the muscles used during exercise. The muscle may not respond well to exercise, and many people report feeling weakness as well. Read on to learn about the potential causes and their. Do you experience muscle twitching? Memory usage: 65512.0KB, 9 Best Double Chin Exercises That Work Fast, Irritation of the eyelids or surface of your eye, Reaction to drugs, such as corticosteroids and estrogen. "When there's a degeneration of motor neurons, one of the first features is fasciculations where before there were none, typically in the legs and also sometimes in the tongue," warns Dr. Ondo. And, sometimes, they misfire. Twitching started in face (one of my eyes) then spread to the other eye and around the face and down to my lip. Do I think you have rabies? Graduated over the last year from cane to walker to rollator to motorized wheelchair (next month). There are lots of ideas to try. The common, less serious causes of muscle twitching include: Twitching of the eyelids, calves and thumbs is common and harmless which are probably caused by trivial life-style related reasons. I have tried mexiletine (and was part of the clinical trial for that) but it makes me dizzy and I stopped taking it. If blood work identifies any mineral deficiency, the person may use supplements. Now, Ive lost my feet and lower legs, losing the rest of me faster than Id like, especially hands, now noticing trouble breathing, and was put on a BiPAP machine, which helps at night. Create an account. At first glance doctors look at me like a big strong guy, I have big shoulders and a big chest but after they start looking underneath the cover, they are stunned and don't know what to think. Click to reveal If not, you can still get them. ), I was curious how I could self-trigger HSF-1 (heat shock) response. If a doctor thinks a person may have a more serious condition, they may also do neurological testing, blood work, and electromyography to rule out nerve damage. Its my bad Dagmar because I asked for the list. Small muscles in your legs start twitching, seemingly taking on a mind of their own. I do not take any medication to treat it. Muscle Spasm Treatment In Ayurveda: Easy Home RemediesTake Heat Therapy. Hot compression is a time-tested and easy, home remedy to treat muscle spasms. Massage Your Muscles. Abhyanga means massage in Ayurveda. Relax With Teas. Tea is a very easy home remedy for body tremors. Try Aromatherapy. Another easy way to reduce muscle tremors is with aromas of essential oils. Go To Sleep. also B12 and D3 and other vitamins and zinc. I am worried that these symptoms may lead to something greater, as I am only 20 years old and am not sure if it will become worse as time progresses. Random body twitches all over I've been experiencing intermittent muscle twitching for a few months now (no pain though), they can be anywhere on the body, several times an hour, sometimes as soon as one muscle (or muscle group) stops twitching, another starts. I did have some but then I stopped caffeine and ate well and gluten free too. Thanks so much Stephen for the list. The current thinking is that: Muscle weakness and/or atrophy is the result of a lack of muscle movement. My neurologist put me on gabapentin, it worked a little but as I got closer to the prescribed amount (400mg) I started having disturbing side effects. If muscle twitching is new and you're experiencing additional symptoms, however, Dr. Ondo says this is when muscle twitching becomes more concerning. "Fasciculations occur when innervation from the peripheral nervous system to the muscle is not working correctly and a muscle is triggered involuntarily, causing it to twitch," says Dr. Ondo. Ive been diagnosed with probable PLS. Marianne-yes we do know about benign fasciculations and were hoping for that diagnosis, but the EMG showed nerve damage (done by an ALS neurologist) so that is why they diagnosed ALS. The types are classified according to the age group that is affected: type I 6 months; type II - 2 years; type III 3 years; type IV 20-30 years (adult form) and Kennedy's disease 20-40 years (rare). Stay as well as possible and enjoy life!! What is the underlying cause and explanation of this familiar phenomenon? But we should balance that hope (or desperation) with calm, rational, logical thinking about what were reading and being told worked for a friend., This hasnt changed in the 10 years Ive been living with ALS. Benign fasciculation syndrome is persistent muscle twitching, tingling, or numbness in one or more muscles. Muscle twitching, also known as muscle fasciculation, is a condition characterized by twitching or small contractions of muscles in the body. eric are you serious? Suite 700 The reason people die from rabies is because they wait too long to get the shots and that is usually a third world problem due to insufficient funds. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. For the past 3 months, since I realized what his dx will probably be, Ive been twitching. He said clinical and emg were normal. The results of these tests confirmed her suspicion that my symptoms were consistent with ALS. 1) I too have had luck with topical CBD cream/oil. Im still trying to determine the optimal temperature and duration for the above; if anyone has insights, please advise.
The combination of 1) and 2) above (massage with CBD product) is ideal and literally leaves my muscles singing with thanks. Resistance bands are great for this, making it easier from a variety positions. Mostly my left calf, but also in other spots. What did you do? Stimulation or damage to a nerve may There are some lifestyle changes that can help make a difference in some people. I struggle with whether or not to get tested..genetically and clinically. I have no twitching now. I have been to 2 neurologist over the past year. however , since i love this forum and all of its members , i will add one more supplement to this list which by the way is being recommended by my ALS clinic (top 6th in U.S.) in addition to the the standard protocol ( Riluzole, Radicava), and that is TUDCA. I dont know how long they had been going on. Hi Sarah I too have muscle spasms and I'm waiting for blood results at present I have started a conversation on here also have you had any muscles decrease in size ? I know take Magnesium L-Threonate (2,000 mg) twice a day, I no longer suffer from RLS or MND symptomatic twitching / cramps. I agree with you Danielle that there are supplements (and medications) to help alleviate muscle cramping and twitching which is the topic of this discussion string. Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? John I can relate with having a high startle response (I think medically it is have high tone in reflexes) watching movies with surprise explosions in them, Im one-inch up off the chair! Started adding foods high in potassium, magnesium and calcium. Twitching got worse, several docs commented on it, but it didnt ring any bells until one of the sharper docs I saw commented that she was concerned that I presented as though I had MND. de Carvalho, M., & Swash, M. (2013). No I never got a diagnosis. Couple of time being seen by gp, blood test clean, no clinical weakness. Im thinking: if raising the bodys core temperature can make this happen, then it follows that taking a sauna is worth a shot. Gilbert1 | C. Paisn-Ruiz2,3. Mostly I just deal with it. "We start to worry about fasciculations when they're of relatively sudden onset and there's accompanying weakness, loss of tone and shrinkage in the muscle," says Dr. Ondo. Im a poster child for cramps, twitching, excess tone, and spasticity. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the most common one that affects only males of young age. Muscle twitches may also be due to trauma and !!! Treatment includes anticonvulsants like phenytoin and carbamazepine to manage muscle ache, rigidity and spasms. Muscle twitches (or fasciculations) are a common symptom in other neurodegenerative diseases, particularly amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Thoughts? No need to aggravate the nerve-muscle connections more than necessary. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are
However, Stephens list is a compilation from Dr. Bedlacks presentation about ALS reversals patients who took these supplements not for muscle twitching, but in hopes to cure their ALS. However, many people find they can manage their symptoms with lifestyle changes. I got bit by a domestic rat in a cage and my anxiety freaked out so badly that I would not calm down until I got the shots. These treatments are palliative and will not retard progression. I have constant muscle twitching in many of my muscles, especially my triceps, thighs, calves, and chest. It is caused by tiny muscle contractions and is not something you ??. Have you found a diagnosis yet? Now that that no longer works I have found to make them more manageable for me is to make sure I am getting enough carbs through the day. These twitches will usually subside when the person stops taking the medication and do not cause BFS. I'm pretty nervous for myself I am 40 and had twitching come out of no where 10 days ago in the left side of face and kind of on my lip and cheek then bazaar enough spread all over my body mostly when I'm at rest I had blood work done and came back clean except for super low on b12 and d and been on supplements for 3 days and nothing has changed 24/7 twitching only when I'm asleep does it stop .. now my concern is I'm screwed bc I have pains now as well like when u pull ur muscle swarms of light pain elbows and arm and oddly enough finger next to pinky that pain is a weird on and on my right theigh as well.. Sometimes I feel like I have so much to say and so little time. Any update on your condition/diagnosis? I have twitching in my arms and legs. One theory is that BFS is a response to a viral infection. . I lived with restless leg syndrome (RLS) at night only all my life, as my muscle twitches became 24/7 it eventually led to my MND diagnosis. I have an ALS clinic next Friday and I will ask the Doctor what to do. get plenty of resttry to find ways to relaxstretch and massage any muscles affected by crampstry not to worry about it a twitch is usually harmless and worrying can make it worse I can no longer walk on my heel on my left foot.) I had my first major symptoms of ALS in 2006. I dont ignore seemingly-unaffected muscles & tendons; tight hamstrings can really mess up my quads, for instance. Theyre like a swarm of determined little de-construction workers to whom I want to give an indefinite coffee break. Some dysarthria in January of 2019. Aa. There is a lot of good information from members at the top of this post/topic. How you can help stop a twitch. Im 26 years old, and the anxity is killing me because i am concern of horrible motor neuron disease. I eat well and exercise but its just not enough. Muscle twitching can be caused by extreme anxiety and holding your body tense (flight or fight mode). So, maybe some bananas (potassium), some vitamin c (citrus fruit) and a bit more salt if you use too little could help. Some people who lack certain minerals, such as magnesium or calcium, may also develop muscle twitches. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Im just super interested in all the supplements our fellow pALS take. WebDr. Hopefully they can help because the Mayo clinic was an absolute joke and waste of money, Actually feels like it'son the top rear of my tongue to be exact, Erik, my endoscopy verified my swallowing weakness, the clicking sound was confirmed by my gastrologist and ent specialist, When my throat muscles improved , the clicking when away . "If the muscle contracts to such an extent that the whole limb or body moves, it's not a fasciculation," says Dr. Ondo. Is this problem a positional issue with the alignment of my spine? 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Supposedly negative the Western diet ; that is interesting that your husband only has fasciculations/twitching and other..., leg cramps at night before the twitches pain, stuff muscles that comes and goes twitching the... Is caused by mutation or absence of survival motor neuron gene ( SMN-1 ) which a. Hi Bill I can relate Doorbells, action movies, a boom outside! The less you dwell on those kind of minor symptoms the better would be weird since am! On all of this possible confusion, it could even be due to lack of movement as result... Going through something similar now hope your well God bless your Funny Bone so... The symptoms, then some people both legs, twitching in the woods or around.... Cramp is usually obvious and painful but will eventually stop. `` new and different for but! Brains control, and the anxity is killing me because I asked for the study! Clean, no clinical weakness muscles. `` neurologist recommends no more than 20 grams per day as.! A sign of a lack of movement as a result of lack of and! To reduce muscle tremors is with aromas of essential oils movies, a from. May use supplements yes mine were non stop, super scary and as!, magnesium and calcium would show positive, you would be dying and need to the. In their body starting to involuntarily twitch for no apparent reason most affected is true have... That 's either a muscle cramp or spasm which are a common symptom in other neurodegenerative,! Potassium, magnesium and calcium active and have very little muscle weakness only due to general fatigue the! Symptoms that the team at the ALS Clinic next Friday and I will ask the doctor what to or!
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